Logo Draft


For my logo my inspiration came from my desire to travel. I decided to use a globe as the main image because I want to travel the world. I originally was going to put the continents on the inside just like any other globe but I could not figure out how to draw out each continent without it looking sloppy. So I went I different direction and decided to put footprints on the inside of the globe to represent my journey through my life. And I also decided to go with bare feet as the footprints instead of shoe prints because I would rather go bare foot than wear shoes any day.

I really like the logos that incorporate the figure ground technique so I made sure my design used the foreground and background as part of the image.  I also made sure I balanced out my logo by equaling the distance between the footprints and made them in the center of the globe. As for unity I am not really sure if the footprints go with the globe but I really like what the footprints represent for me.

The design process for my logo started with me researching the shape of a globe and the shape of a footprint. I just google searched images of each of these items to get an idea. Then I went to Illustrator at started with making the shapes of the stand of the globe. I use the ellipse and rectangle tool for all the shapes on my logo and just altered them using effects.  The hardest part use bending one of the rectangles to make the arc next to the globe. I knew I wanted to keep the image black and white that way it would stand out more and allow for the figure ground technique to come through.

So there are some parts of my design I am not sure of. for instance of the footprints really go with the globe and if I should add text to my logo as well.

4 thoughts on “Logo Draft

  1. Well fist thing I’m going to be biased and say I really like the meaning behind my logo and trying to add that personal element to my logo so it is represents me. One critique I have for myself is I don’t really think the footprints really go together with the globe it looks a little funky to me but I still want to have the footprints as a part of my design. Maybe if I made them smaller or moved them to the base of the globe my logo will look more balanced. Also I think my logo is missing the textual element so I don’t know if I should add my name to show it’s mine or put a really simple quote/word to add a little something to it. Another thing is I like the simple black color I used that way the figure ground of the footprints stands out more.


  2. Hi Shelby! It is a really good and cute logo. The fact that not only you made your logo really represents or shows your message, but it is also looks so simple and still awesome at the same time. Well, one thing that you really did well on this logo is when you chose to put the little feet on the globe. It simply attracts your audience and makes your audience simply understand the meaning of your logo. Another thing you did well on this assignment is when you provide detailed information on the process of you making this logo. You also simply clearly reflect your message through this logo. However, one thing that you can do to improve this logo is to change the color to more fun color, so that it is more interesting and popped out. Other than that, you did really gwell on this logo. Awesome job ☺


  3. I really like the concept of the logo! I liked how you’re really trying to incorporate a lot of meaning in to the logo, it makes it feel really personal and relatable. When I first see the logo I think the strongest point of it is the fact that you want to make it look like your blog is about traveling. The footprints do add a bit more to the logo, but I think the actual continents would look much better. Especially if you add color to the logo. I recommend googling a picture of earth and seeing what continents you want to use and placing the continents how you want to look and lock the picture. Then you will need to create a new layer and trace the continents with the pen tool, you can then try to adjust curves and any other points with the curve tool. I think this is the best way for adding the continents into your logo. I really like your concept, good luck!


  4. Shelby, this is a really great first draft for your logo! It’s creative and unique. I think it’s funny that you wanted to use the continents and then switched to feet. I believe the feet better represent travelling and is ultimately more unique and relevant. One thing you could do to make this logo even better is to set the feet around the globe rather than along the globe’s axis. I think it be best going from bottom left to top right (perpendicular to the globe axis). Then to add depth to the globe, you can warp the feet so that the black circle appears to be more like a sphere! Another thing you may want to do is at a little bit of text beneath the globe so that there is an explicit representation of what your blog aims to be. Great first draft, I really enjoyed checking it out!


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